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Dopis z ministerstva pristehovalectvi
March 22, 2002
Mr. Josef Cermak Q.C.
President, Czech and Slovak Association of Canada

Dear Mr. Cermak:
Thank you for your letter of February 7, 2002, concerning the proposed regulations to accompany the new Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, as well as your specific concerns in the areas of the new skilled worker selection criteria, and corresponding pass mark and retroactivity.
Let me begin by saying that the new Act is fair and balanced legislation. While it introduces tough measures, aimed at those who pose a threat to public security or do not respect our laws, it also reaffirms Canada's longstanding tradition as a nation open to immigrants, and renews our commitment to offer protection to genuine refugees.
Moreover, this legislation represents nearly five years of consultations with Canadians and key stakeholders across the country. The Government is committed to continuing this open dialogue with respect to the accompanying draft regulations - both directly and through public hearings before parliamentary committees.
You will be pleased to learn that on February 26, 2002 I announced in the House of Commons that I intended to amend the transition regulations to allow more skilled workers to be assessed under the current selection grid until January 1, 2003. The amendments will:
* help to alleviate the impact on those skilled worker applicants who might be affected by the transition to the new rules. I have proposed a reduction of the transitional pass mark from 75 to 70, the current pass mark. This reduction balances fairness to the skilled worker applicants who applied before the proposed rules were announced on December 17, 2001, while moving forward with this Department's contributions to the Government of Canada's security agenda; and
* allow all skilled worker and business immigration applicants whose applications have not yet been through the preliminary evaluation (paper screening) to request a withdrawal of their applications and refund of the processing fee. To initiate, they can contact the visa office to which they submitted application.
I Trust this helps to clarify my Department's intentions with regard to skilled worker selection. I have enclosed the materials related to February 26, 2002 announcement. For further information, you may wish to visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada web site at
I would like to emphasize that these initial changes were made in response to the comments received about the new regulations. Beyond this, I fully intend to consider recommendations made by the public and my parliamentary colleagues before the regulations receive final approval later in the spring. Please be assured that I am committed to ensuring that we have a fair and effective immigration and refugee program. Your comments will be given full consideration as we move through the regulatory public consultation phase.
Thank you again for having taken the time to write and bring your interest in this matter to my attention.
The Honourable Denis Coderre
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration
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SOBOTA, 25.kvetna: formalni zasedani kongresu, St. Andrews College, 29 Dysart Rd. Winnipeg (snidane a obed zajisteny na miste "za velmi rozumne ceny"). Vecer banket s hudbou - 18.00 koktejly, 19:00 banket s veceri (cena 35 dolaru). Po veceri budou udeleny Masarykovy ceny. Holiday Inn Winnipeg South, 1330 Pembina Highway.
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